
Publications—H. Ken Cordell
On Wilderness Issues

Cordell, H.K., M.H. Legg, and K.E. Cathey. 1986.Visitor Needs and User Impact.  In: Kulhavy, D. L., Conner, R. N., eds. Proceedings: Wilderness and Natural Areas in the Eastern United States: A Management Challenge; 1986, October; Nacogdoches, TX: Stephen F. Austin University; 210‑212.


Hartmann, Lawrence A., Alan E. Watson, and H. Ken Cordell. 1987. Regional Comparison of Forest Service Wilderness Users: Implications for Policy and Research.  In: Cordell, Barbara M., ed. Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 1986; Asheville, NC.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 145‑158.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Alan E. Watson. 1987. A Framework for Wilderness Assessment and Research.  In: Lucas, Robert C., ed. Proceedings for the National Wilderness Research Conference: Issues, State‑of‑Knowledge, Future Directions; 1985, July 23‑26; Fort Collins, CO. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station; 63‑68. 


Cordell, H. Ken, and Alan E. Watson. 1987. A Framework for Wilderness Assessment and Research.  In: Lucas, Robert C., ed. Proceedings for the National Wilderness Research Conference: Issues, State‑of‑Knowledge, Future Directions; 1985, July 23‑26; Fort Collins, CO. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station; 63‑68. 


Reed, Patrick, H. Ken Cordell, and Helen R. Freilich. 1989. Optimizing nonrecreational wilderness uses and values: Recommendations and strategies for the next ten years.  In: Wilderness Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Wilderness Colloquium.  Asheville, NC:  USDA Forest Service  General Technical Report SE‑51:  216-219.


Cordell, H. Ken, and George Siehl. 1989. Wildland Recreation Use Trends. Trends. 26(3):4-8.


Watson, Alan E., H. Ken Cordell, and Lawrence A. Hartmann. 1989. Characteristics of wilderness users in outdoor recreation assessments.  In:  Proceedings, Mary Lee and Perry Brown, eds., National Symposium on Social Science in Resource Management.  Corvallis, OR:  Oregon State University, College of Forestry, p. 1-10.


Cordell, H. Ken, Jack Gray, Barry Flamm, and William C. Gartner. 1989. Marketing the wilderness experience: oil and water?  In: Managing America’s Enduring Wilderness Resource: a conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 11-14, 1989, p. 651-660.


Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, L.A. Hartmann, and D.B.K. English. 1990  An Analysis of the Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Situation in the United States: 1989‑2040.  Fort Collins, CO:  USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-189; 112 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1990 . Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness.  Natural Resources for the 21st Century.  Washington, DC: Island Press: 242-268.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Patrick Reed.  1990. Untrammeled by Man:  Preserving diversity through wilderness.  IN:  Preparing to Manage Wilderness in the 21st Century.  USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rpt. SE-66, p. 30-33.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1990 . Marketing the wilderness experience: Oil and water? In Lime, David W., Managing America=s Enduring Wilderness Resource, Proceedings of a Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the NWPS. Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN. p. 651-660.


Miles, Morgan P., Barbara McDonald, Louis M. Capella, and H. Ken Cordell.  1991. Values as an augmenting variable for the segmentation of the wilderness recreation market.  In: Donald Thompson, Rustan Kosenko, and Robert Baer (eds.).  Marketing at the cross roads: theory and practice.  Proceedings: Atlantic Marketing Association, Savannah, Georgia, October 9-12, 1991, p. 62-65.


Cordell, H. Ken and Claire Payne. 1992. The Economics of Wilderness Recreation:  Research in the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.  In The Economic Value of Wilderness, Proceedings of the Conference held May 8-11, 1991, in Jackson, WY.  General Technical Report SE-78.  Asheville, NC: Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, p. 323-324.


Cordell, H. Ken, and J. Mark Young. 1992. An Evaluation of Wilderness Research:  State of Knowledge and Research Needs for the 1990s.  In Proceedings of the 1992 Convention of the Society of American Foresters; October 1992; Richmond, VA.


Cordell, H. Ken, and J. Mark Young. 1993. An Evaluation of Wilderness Research:  State of Knowledge and Research Needs for the 1990s.  In:  Hendee, John C., ed., U.S. National Wilderness Research Needs, Priorities and Strategies.  Report of the Society of American Foresters National Wilderness Research Committee.


Teasley, R. Jeff, H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and Paul Gentle.  1997. Recreation and wilderness in the United States: a national review.  UGA Faculty Series 97-13.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  198 p.


Cordell, Harold K., Michael A. Tarrant, Barbara L. McDonald, and John C. Bergstrom. 1998. How the public views wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness.  4(3) : 28-31.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Jeff Teasley.  1998. Recreational Trips to Wilderness: Results from the USA National Survey on Recreation and the Environment.  The International Journal of Wilderness, 4(1): 23-27.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Barbara McDonald. 1998. Wilderness-based learning from an adult learning perspective. In Kulhavy, David L. and Legg, Michael H., Wilderness and Natural Areas in Eastern North America, Proceedings of the Eastern Wilderness Conference, Center for Applied Studies in Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX. p. 185-192.


Cordell, Ken, and Jerry Stokes. 2000. The social value of wilderness: a Forest Service perspective.  International Journal of Wilderness, 6(2): 23-24.


Fly, J. Mark, Robert Emmet Jones, and H. Ken Cordell. 2000. Knowledge of and attitudes toward wilderness in the Southern Appalachian ecoregion.  In: Stephen F. McCool, David N. Cole, William T. Borrie, and Jennifer O=Loughlin (compilers). Wilderness science in a time of change conference. RMRS-P-15-VOL-2. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 201-204.


Tarrant, Michael A., H. Ken Cordell, and Gary T. Green. 2002. Public views and values of wilderness: are they changing? In Abstracts from the Leisure Research Symposium, October 16-19, 2002, Tampa, Florida.  Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association. pp. 69. [abstract]


Cordell, H.K., M.A. Tarrant, and G.T. Green. 2003. Is the public viewpoint of wilderness shifting? International Journal of Wilderness, 9(2): 27-32.


Cordell, H. Ken: Bergstrom, John C.; Bowker, J.M. 2005. The multiple values of Wilderness and the future of the National Wilderness Preservation System. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 267-278). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.


Cordell, H. Ken; Murphy, Danielle; Riitters, Kurt; Harvard, J.E. III.  2005. The natural ecological value of Wilderness. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 205-249). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.


Cordell, H. Ken; Murphy, Danielle; Riitters, Kurt; Harvard, J.E. III. 2005. The human context and natural character of Wilderness lands. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 57-89). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.


Cordell, H. Ken; Bergstrom, John C.; Bowker, J.M. 2005. The multiple values of Wilderness. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 1-6). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.


Cordell, H. Ken; Tarrant, Michael; Green, Gary T. 2006. Can you hear me now? Using the telephone to discover peoples' opinions about Wilderness. Natural Inquirer 7(1): 47-56.


Cordell, H. Ken; Murphy, Danielle; Riitters, Kurt; Harvard, J.E. III. 2006  Speak-o-logical: Defining and measuring the ecological value of Wilderness. Natural Inquirer 7(1): 57-67.


Bowker, J.M.; Harvard, J.E. III; Bergstrom, John C.; Cordell, H. Ken; English, Donald B.K.; Loomis, John B. 2006. The net economic value of Wilderness. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 161-180). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc.


Bowker, J.M.; Bergstrom, John C.; Harvard, J.E. III; Cordell, H. Ken; English, Donald B.K.; Loomis, John B. 2006 Wilderness makes cents! How much are people willing to pay for Wilderness? Natural Inquirer, 7(1): 16-24.


Bowker, J.M.; Murphy, D.; Cordell, H.K.; English, D.B.K.; Bergstrom, J.C.; Starbuck, C.M.; Betz, C.J.; Green, G.T. 2006 Wilderness and primitive area recreation participation and consumption: an examination of demographic and spatial factors. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(2):317-326.


Johnson, Cassandra Y.; Bowker, J.M.; Bergstrom, John; Cordell, H. Ken. 2006. Immigrant and ethnic minority valuation of Wilderness (Abstract). In Ben Beardmore, Krista Englund, and Wolfgang Haider (compilers), Book of Abstracts: the 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (pp. 150-151), June 3-8, 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


Johnson, Cassandra; Bowker, J.M.; Cordell, H. Ken; Bergstrom, John C. 2006. Wilderness value differences by immigration, race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. In H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness (pp. 143-159).  State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.


Schuster, Rudy; Cordell, H. Ken; Phillips, Brad. 2006. Measurement of direct-use Wilderness values: a qualitative study. In John G. Peden, Rudy M. Schuster (eds.), Proceedings of the 2005 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium: 2005 April 10-12; Bolton Landing, NY. GTR-NE-341. Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. (pp. 188-195).


Schuster, Rudy M.; Cordell, H. Ken; Phillips, Brad. 2006. Understanding the cultural, existence, and bequest values of Wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness 11(3): 22-25.


Schuster, R.M., K. Cordell, & G.T. Green. 2007. Expansion of the wilderness values scale with three sub-scales: personal maintenance, expression and learning, and societal maintenance. In Science and Stewardship to Protect and Sustain Wilderness Value: Eighth World Wilderness Congress Symposium.  RMRS-P-49.  Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Station, pp. 308-313.


Cordell, H.K., C.J. Betz, & Gary T. Green. 2008. Nature-based outdoor recreation trends and wilderness.  International Journal of Wilderness, 14(2), 7-13.


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Becky Stephens, Shela Mou, and Gary T. Green. 2008. How Do Americans View Wilderness--Part I. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell. 2012. The diversity of wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness. 18(2): 1-7.


Ken Cordell and J.M. Bowker. 2013. Long-term projections of backcountry recreation use. International Journal of Wilderness. 19(2): 11-16.


Alan E. Watson and H. Ken Cordell. 2014. Wilderness social science responding to change in society, policy, and the environment. International Journal of Wilderness. 20(2): 14-19, 33.


Alan E. Watson and H. Ken Cordell. 2014. Take a scientist to the sauna: A great way to keep science and stewardship working together for another 50 years. International Journal of Wilderness. 20(2): 3, 13.


J.M. Bowker, H.K. Cordell, and N.C. Poudyal. 2014. Valuing values: A history of wilderness economics. International Journal of Wilderness. 20(2): 26-33.


J.M. Bowker, H. Ken Cordell, and Neelam C. Poudyal. 2014. Perspectives from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute: The Wildland Research Institute. International Journal of Wilderness. 20(2): 34-35.


Ghimire, R., G.T. Green, N.C. Poudyal, and H.K. Cordell. 2015Wilderness and the American public: an assessment and comparison of perceived benefits of and support for wilderness areas. International Journal of Wilderness, 21(3): 27-32.


Ramesh Ghimire, Ken Cordell, Alan Watson, Chad Dawson, and Gary T. Green. 2015. Results from the 2014 National Wilderness Manager Survey. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-336. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 96p. 374.


Cordell H.K, R. Ghimire, and C.P. Dawson. 2015. Comparing wilderness values between wilderness managers and the public in the United States. International Journal of Wilderness21(3): 22-26.


Ghimire, R, H.K. Cordell, A. Watson, C.P. Dawson, and G.T. Green. 2015, Results from the National Wilderness Manager Survey 2014, USDA Forest Service, RMRS, Fort Collins, CO.


C.P. Dawson, H.K. Cordell, A. Watson, R. Ghimire, and G.T. Green. 2015. The US wilderness manager survey: charting a path for the future. Journal of Forestry114(3): 298-304.


Ghimire, R, G.T. Green, H.K. Cordell, A. Watson, and C.P. Dawson. 2015. Wilderness stewardship: a survey of National Wilderness Preservation System managers. International Journal of Wilderness, 21(1):23-28.


Alan E. Watson, H. Ken Cordell, Robert Manning, and Steven Martin. 2016. The evolution of wilderness social science and future research to protect experiences, resources, and societal benefits. Journal of Forestry. 114(3): 329-338.


Ken Cordell, Chris Barns, David Brownlie, Tom Carlson, Chad Dawson, William Koch, Garry Oye, and Chris Ryan. 2016. Wilderness stewardship in America today and what we can do to improve it. Journal of Forestry. 114(3): 292-297.


Ghimire, R., G.T. Green, N.C. Poudyal, and H.K. Cordell. 2015. Wilderness and the American public: an assessment and comparison of perceived benefits of and support for wilderness areas. International Journal of Wilderness, 21(3): 27-32.


Other Publications


James, G. A., H. K. Cordell, F. B. Barick, and R. Downing. 1969. Small‑game hunting on western North Carolina wildlife management areas.  Part 1 ‑ Characteristics of hunters Wildlife in N. C. 33(10):8‑10.


Cordell, Harold K., G. A. James, F. B. Barick, and R. L. Downing. 1969. Small‑game hunting on western North Carolina wildlife management areas.  Part 2 ‑ Importance and use of forest roads and trails. Wildlife in N. C.  33(11):10‑12. 


Cordell, Harold K., and Stephen J. Maddock. 1969. Recreational policies of the major pulp and paper companies in the South.  J. Forestry  67(4):229‑231.


Cordell, Harold K., and Clinton K. Sykes. 1969. User preferences for developed‑site camping.  Southeast. Forest Exp. Station, USDA Forest Service Research Note SE‑122, 6 pp.


Cordell, Harold K., and Daniel R. Talhelm. 1969. Planting grass appears impractical for improving deteriorated recreation sites.  Southeast. Forest Exp. Sta., USDA Forest Service Research Note SE‑105, 2 pp. 


James, George A., Harold K. Cordell, Frank B. Barick. 1969. Small-game hunting on western North Carolina Wildlife management areas: Importance and use of forest roads and trails. Wildlife in North Carolina, 33(1): 10-12.


Cordell, Harold K., George A. James, and Russell F. Griffith. 1970. Estimating recreation use at visitor information centers. Southeast. Forest Exp. Sta., USDA Forest Service Research Paper SE‑69, 8 pp.


James, George A., and Harold K. Cordell. 1970. Importance of shading to visitors selecting a campsite at Indian Boundary Campground in Tennessee.  Southeast. Forest Exp. Sta., USDA Forest Service Research Note SE‑130, 5 pp.


Cordell, Harold K. and George A. James. 1971. Supplementing vegetation on Southern Appalachian recreation sites with small trees and shrubs.  J. Soil and Water Cons. 26(6):235‑238.


Cordell, Harold K., and George A. James. 1972. Visitors' preferences for certain physical characteristics of developed campsites.  Southeast. For. Exp. Sta., USDA Forest Service Research Paper SE‑100, 21 pp. 


Cordell, Harold K. 1973. REC‑‑Recreation Employment Information Center.  North Carolina Recreation and Park Review.  26(5):5‑6.


Cordell, Harold K. 1973. Urban and rural problems are the focus of recreation research at N. C. State.  North Carolina Recreation and Park Review. 26(5):7‑9, 27.


Hammon, Gordon A., Harold K. Cordell, et al. 1974. Capacity of water‑based recreation systems‑‑Part I: The state of the art, a literature review. University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 90. (April) 49 pp.


Hammon, Gordon A., and Harold K. Cordell. 1974. Capacity of water‑based recreation systems‑‑Part II:  A systems approach to capacity analysis.  University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 90. (July) 46 pp.



Cordell, Harold K. 1974. Natural resources recreation‑‑Its nature and state government's role.  North Carolina Recreation and Park Review.  27(3):5‑7.


Cordell, Harold K. 1974. What do you know about your profession?  North Carolina Recreation and Park Review.  27(4):19‑25.


Cordell, Harold K. (Chairman of the Reporting Committee). 1974. Research need in forest recreation, aesthetics, and other landscape values.  Task Force Report on Forest Resources Research Needs for the Southern Region, pp. 59‑105.


Cordell, Harold K., G. A. James, and Gary L. Tyre. 1974. Grass establishment of developed recreation sites.  J. Soil and Water Cons.  29(6):268‑271.


Cordell, Harold K., Gordon A. Hammon, John Graham, et al. 1975.  Capacity of water‑based recreation systems‑‑Part III: Methodology and findings.  University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 90. (September) 109 pp.


Cordell, Harold K. 1975. Special manpower study report:  1980 projections of recreation employment opportunities in North Carolina.  North Carolina Recreation and Park Review.  28(4):11‑14.


Cordell, Harold K. 1975. Research needs in natural resources recreation:  the southern region.  In Proceedings of the Outdoor Recreation Research Needs Workshop, (Sept. 4‑6, 1974, Harpers Ferry, WV) pp. 41‑51.


Cordell, Harold K. 1976. Priorities for recreation research in the southern states.  In Proceedings of the Southern States Recreation Research Applications Workshop, (Sept. 15‑18, 1975, Asheville, NC) pp. 47‑51.


Cordell, Harold K. 1976. The literature of planning and managing intensively developed natural resource recreation sites.  In Proceedings of the Southern States Recreation Research Applications Workshop, (Sept. 15‑18, 1975, Asheville, NC) pp. 273‑302. 


Cordell, Harold K. 1976. Substitution between privately and collectively supplied urban recreational open space.  J. Leisure Res.  8(3):160‑174.


Cordell, Harold K. 1976. The state of the art in developing and operating intensive  use natural resource recreation sites.  In the exchange Bibliography Series, National Council of Planning Librarians, Monticello, Illinois.


Cordell, Harold K. 1977. Managing river recreation use other than rationing.  In Proceedings of the River Recreation Management and Research Symposium, (Jan. 24‑27, 1977, Minneapolis, MN) pp. 407‑411.


Erickson, D. L., H. K. Cordell, and A. C. Davis. 1977. Public land policy:  An evaluation of decision and citizen involvement systems.  J. Env. Management  5:365‑377.


Cordell, H. K. 1978. Analysis of research needs for recreation and preserved lands management.  In Proceedings of the Western North Carolina Research‑Resource Management Conference.  (Sept. 14‑16, 1977, Asheville, NC) pp. 95‑100.


Cordell, H. K. 1979. Urban forestry research.  J. Arboriculture  5(4):73‑77.


Cordell, H. K., Robert W. McLellan, and Michael H. Legg. 1979. Managing private rural land as a visual resource.  In Proceedings of Tourism and the Next Decade:  an International Symposium, Washington, D.C.  (March 11‑15, 1979)  pp. 87‑97.


Cordell, H. K., and Thomas W. Clements. 1979. Urban Waste Wood:  A National Perspective.  In Proceedings of the Urban Waste Wood Utilization Conference, Charleston, SC.  (March 26‑28, 1979)  pp. 3‑13. 


Cordell, H. K. 1979. The status and future of outdoor recreation on the South's forests.  In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Forestry Symposium, Louisiana State University, April 18‑19, 1979. pp. 5‑31.


Cordell, H. K. 1979. Multiple use of urban forests.  In Proceedings of Multiple Use Management of Forest Resources, Clemson, SC.



Cordell, Harold K. 1979. Recreation research by the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. In Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service. pp. 124-129.


Cordell, H. K. 1980. Managing private rural land as a visual resource. In Proceedings for International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, (March 11‑15, 1979, Washington, D.C.) pp. 87‑97.


Cordell, H. K., and Yvette C. Berisford. 1980. Major tree insect and disease problems in southern cities. Ornamental South.  Vol. 2, No. 4. (Atlanta, Georgia, April 1980).


Cordell, H. K. 1980. Management of urban forest resources in the 1980s.  In Proceedings of the Urban Forestry Technical Session, Annual Convention of the SAF.  (Oct. 16, 1979, Boston, MA).


Cordell, H. K., Robert W. McLellan, and Michael H. Legg. 1980. The private outdoor recreation estate.  In The Federal Role in the Private Sector of Outdoor Recreation.  USDI Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service.  Nationwide Outdoor Recreation Plan.  pp. 43‑83.


Cordell, H. K., Robert W. McLellan, and J. H. Stevens, Jr. 1980. Private rural landowners' attitudes toward recreational use of their land.  Parks and Recreation 15(7):16‑17.


Berisford, C. W., E. A. Brown, J. L. Hanula, H. K. Cordell, and K. N. Bailey. 1980. Treatment and utilization of wood salvaged from Dutch elm diseased trees.  Ga. Forest. Res. Pap. No. 10.  8 pp.


Erickson, D. L., C. J. Liu, H. K. Cordell, and W. L. Chen. 1980. RECAL: A computer program for generating samples for recreation use estimation. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE‑19. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 11p.


Cordell, H. Ken and L. M. Anderson. 1980. Outdoor recreation research:  current activities and needs.  In Proceedings of National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symp., April 23‑25, 1980, Durham, NH, pp. 2‑15 (USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE‑57, Appendix),  pp. 1‑22. 



Ragatz, Richard L. and H. Ken Cordell. 1980. A comprehensive bibliography on vacation homes and recreational lands in the United States.  USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. SE‑202, Southeast. For. Exp. Stn., Asheville, NC, 31 pp.


Erickson, D. L., C. J. Liu, and H. K. Cordell. 1980. Automatic, time‑interval counts for recreation area management planning.  In Proceedings of National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symp., Vol. II, Durham, NH, Apr. 20‑23, 1980.  (USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE‑57),  pp. 115‑124.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1982. Outdoor recreation demand and supply in the United States.  In Proceedings of the 1981 Convention of the Society of American Foresters; October 1981; Orlando, FL; 1982:334‑344.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1982. Pricing for allocating low‑density recreational use between private and commercial users of natural areas. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Allocation of Recreation Opportunities on Public Land Between the Outfitted and Non‑Outfitted Publics; December 1981; Reno, NV; 1981:77‑103.


Hammitt, William E., Cary D. McDonald, and H. K. Cordell. 1982. Perceived need for visitor management controls and corresponding support for various river use management strategies.  In Proceedings of the National Recreation and Parks Association Annual Convention; October 25, 1981; Minneapolis, MN.


Cordell, H. Ken and L. A. Hartmann. 1982. Renewable resources recreation in the United States:  demand supply, and critical policy issues.  In Proceedings of the 1982 National Convention of the Society of American  Foresters; September 21, 1982; Cincinnati, OH; Washington, DC:  Society of American Foresters; 1982:281‑285.


Cordell, H. Ken, H. F. Senter, and R. L. Ragatz. 1982. Potential conflicts between private recreational property development and forest land management in the South.  In Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 18‑19, 1980, and February 19‑20, 1981; Asheville, NC; Athens, GA:  Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia; 1982:123‑141.


Tarbet, Don, H. Ken Cordell, and Has T. Schreuder. 1982. An evaluation of the double sampling technique for estimating recreation use. In Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, February, 1981. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. pp. 85-96.


Cordell, H. Ken, and J. C. Hendee. 1983. Renewable resources recreation in the United States:  supply, demand, and critical policy issues.  Washington, DC:  Amer. Forestry Association; 1982.  88 pp. 


Cordell, H. Ken, J. C. Hendee, and H. J. Stevens. 1983. Renewable recreation resources in the United States:  the resource situation and critical policy issues.  In:  Lieber, S. R.; Fesenmaier, D. R., eds.  Recreation Planning and Management. State College, PA:  Venture Publishing; 1983: 241‑278.


Cordell, H. Ken, and B. Stanley‑Saunders. 1983. The private sector role in rural outdoor recreation in the United States:  An annotated bibliography.  Chicago:  CPL Bibliographies; 1983.  118 pp.


Hammitt, W. E., C. D. McDonald, and H. K. Cordell. 1983. Characteristics and use behavior of innertube floaters on southern Appalachian streams.  J. Soil and Water Cons. 38(2):113‑115; 1983.


Cordell, H. K., L. M. Anderson, et al. 1984. Urban Forestry.  In:  Wenger, Karl F., ed. Forestry Handbook, Second Ed. New York, NY:  John Wiley; 1984:887‑983.


Hartmann, L. A., and H. Ken Cordell. 1984. Trend tracking and forecasting recreation demand and consumption in the United States.  In: Kaiser, Fred; Schweitzer, Dennis; Brown, Perry, eds. Proceedings, Economic value analysis of multiple‑use forestry; 1984 August 27‑September 2; Thessalonkik, Greece. Corvallis, Oregon State University Department of Resource Recreation Management; 1984: 96‑11.


Cordell, H. K., and L. A. Hartmann. 1984. Trends in outdoor recreation in the two decades since ORRRC.  In: Proceedings of Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; 1983 February 17‑18; Asheville, NC; MD: University of Maryland; 1984:1‑41.


Cordell, H. K., and L. A. Hartmann. 1984. Assessing outdoor recreation in the United States.  Trends 20(3):42‑45; 1984. 


Cordell, H. K., and J. H. Stevens, Jr. 1984. A national survey to determine public outdoor recreation opportunities on nonindustrial private forest and range lands. In: Proceedings of Conference on Nonindustrial Private Forests: A Review of Economic and Policy Studies; April 19‑20, 1983.  Durham, NC: DukeUniversity; 1983:327‑333.


Cordell, H. K., and L. A. Hartmann. 1984. Outdoor recreation in the United States: The need for continuing national assessment and recovery.  In: Proceedings, 3rd annual conference of the National Association of State Recreation Planners; 1984 April 23‑26, 1984.  Atlanta, GA: Georgia Department of Natural Resources; 1984: 53‑62.


Marsinko, A. P. C., D. R. Phillips, and H. Ken Cordell. 1984. Determining residential firewood consumption.  Environmental Management 8:359‑366.


Berryman, K. W., H. K. Cordell, and D. B. K. English. 1985. Conceptualization of a geobased recreation resources supply assessment system.  In Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 1985, Myrtle Beach, SC: 77-84.


English, D. B. K., and H. K. Cordell. 1985. A cohort‑centric analysis of outdoor recreation participation changes.  In Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation  Research Conference; February 1985, Myrtle Beach, SC: 93-110.


Sale, E. P., H. K. Cordell, and C. Z. Howe. 1985. Evaluation and synthesis of research on outdoor recreation users for national planning application.  In Proceedings of  the Southeastern Recreation Researchers Conference;  February 1985, Myrtle Beach, SC: 85-92.


Propst, Dennis B., H. Ken Cordell, and William J. Hansen. 1985. Assessing the secondary economic impacts of recreation and tourism: work team recommendations.  In: Propst, Dennis B., comp. Assessing the economic impacts of recreation and tourism; 1984 May 14‑16; East Lansing, MI.  Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1985: 52‑63.


Anderson, L. M. and H. K. Cordell. 1985. Residential property values improved by landscaping with trees. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry.


Cordell, H. K., J. H. Gramann, D. E. Albrecht, R. W. McLellan, and S. Winthrow. 1985. Trends in recreational access to private rural lands.   In Proceedings 1985 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium II.  Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southeast Regional Office: 164-184.


Cordell, H. K., and Donald B.K. English. 1985. Recreational travel distances to define supply inventory radii. In: Anderson, L. M., ed. Proceedings, Southeastern recreation research conference; 1984 February 16‑17; Asheville, NC. Athens: University of Georgia Institute for Behavioral Research; 1985: 1‑7.


Propst, Dennis B., H.K. Cordell, D. E. Holocek, and D.B.K. English. 1986            Trends in consumer expenditures and public investments for outdoor recreation.  In: Wood, Jim, ed. Proceedings, National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium II; 1985 February 25‑27; Myrtle Beach, S.C., Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Interior Park Service; 1985: 201‑222.


Cordell, H.K., D.R. Fesenmaier, S. R. Lieber, and L.A. Hartmann. 1986. Advancements in methodology for projecting future recreation participation.  In: Wood, Jim, ed. Proceedings, National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium II, 1985 February 25‑27; Myrtle Beach, S.C., Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Interior Park Service; 1985: 89‑109.


O'Leary, J.T., M. Uysal, F.D. Dottavio, and H.K. Cordell. 1986. Travel Patterns of the American Public: Participation in Selected Outdoor Recreation Activities.  In: Joseph, W. Benoy, Moutinko, Luiz, Vernon, Ivan R., eds. Proceedings of the Special Conference on Tourism Services Marketing; 30‑40.


Buhyoff, G.J., R.B. Hull IV, J.N. Lien, and H.K. Cordell. 1986. Prediction of Scenic Quality for Southern Pine Stands.  Forest Science  32(3): 769‑778.


Cordell, H.K., L.A. Hartmann, A.E. Watson, Janet Fritschen, and E.L. Siverts. 1987. The Background and Status of An Interagency Research Effort: The Public Area Research Visitors Survey (PARVS).  In: Cordell, Barbara M., ed. Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 1986; Asheville, NC.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 19‑36.


Hull, R. Bruce IV, G.J. Buhyoff, and H.K. Cordell. 1987. Developing psychophysical models: example with scenic beauty perceptions of roadside pine forests.  Landscape Journal.  6(2): 113‑122.


Cordell, Barbara M., H. Ken Cordell, Daniel Hope, Donald B.K. English. 1987. Local Government Park and Recreation Departments.  Leisure Today and Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, April 9‑12, 1987.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1987. Implications of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors for Recreation in North Carolina.  In: Proceedings: The NCSU Emerging Issues Forum, Finding Our Way Into the 21st Century Forest; 1987, March 27; Raleigh, NC. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University; 65‑77.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Lawrence A. Hartmann. 1987. Commercial Opportunities and Relationships with Wildland Recreation.  Trends. 24(3): 13‑18.


Sale, Elizabeth P., H. Ken Cordell, J. Fred Allen. 1987. Validation of Survey Procedures for the National Private Landowner Survey.  In: McDonald, Barbara, ed. Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 1986; Asheville, NC.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 111‑114.


English, Donald B.K., and H. Ken Cordell. 1987. Public/Private Camping Opportunities: Competitive or Complementary.  In: McDonald, Barbara, ed. Proceedings of the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference; February 1986; Asheville, NC.  Asheville, NC: USDAForest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 99‑109.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1988. Outdoor recreation resource planning and management:  Past, Present and Future Research.  In: Research about Leisure: Past, Present and Future; Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. 141‑159.


McDonald, B.L., and H.K. Cordell. 1988. Local opportunities for Americans: Final report of the Municipal And County Park And Recreation Study (MACPARS).  Local opportunities for Americans: Final report of the MACPARS; Alexandria, VA: National Recreation and Park Association.  108 pp.


Watson, Alan E., and H. Ken Cordell. 1988. Achieving a "standing" for outdoor recreation through secondary economic impact assessments.  The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.  April: 55‑56.


Shafer, Elwood L., and H. Ken Cordell. 1988. Science for Americans outdoors.  Parks and Recreation.  March: 46‑50.


Anderson, L.M., and H.K. Cordell. 1988. The influence of trees on residential property values in Athens, Georgia (U.S.A.): A survey based on actual sales prices. Landscape and Urban Planning.  15: 153‑164.


Hartmann, L.A., H.K. Cordell, and H.R. Freilich. 1988. The changing future of outdoor recreation.  Trends.  25(4): 19‑23.


Bergstrom, J.C., and H. Ken Cordell. 1988. The future supply and demand of outdoor recreation in America. Trends.  25(4): 39‑42.


Shafer, E.L., G. Moeller, and H.K. Cordell. 1988. A recreation renaissance is coming.  Trends. 25(4): 43‑46.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1988.      Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: State of North Carolina. UGA Faculty Series 88-21. Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 67 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken, Alan E. Watson, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1988. Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: UGA Faculty Series 89-22. Athens, GA: University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 108 pages.


Wright, B.A., H.K. Cordell, and T.L. Brown. 1989. Public recreational access: A national study of policies and practices of private landowners.  In:  Social Science in Natural  Resource Recreation Management.  Boulder, CO:  Westview Press: 181-198.


Cordell, H.K., and B.A. Wright. 1989. Public recreational access to private lands: An update on trends and the foreseeable future.  Trends. 26(2):15‑18.


Cordell, H.K., and D.B.K. English. 1989. Measuring and projecting effectiveness of  recreation opportunities in the United States.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52: 238-251.


Daniels, S.E., and H.K. Cordell. 1989. The costs of producing recreation on National Forests.  Trends. 26(2):8‑11. 


Cordell, H.K., and D.B.K. English.1989. The effectiveness of recreation supply in these United States. Trends.  26(2):38‑42.


Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, D.B.K. English, and C.J. Betz. 1988. Projections of future growth of outdoor recreation in the United States.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52:  203-208.


English, D.B.K., H.K. Cordell, and L.A. Hartmann. 1989. Trail resources, users and opportunities in the United States. In: Trails Programs in Federal Agencies.  Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service Report 89‑8 ENR; 49‑75.


Cordell, H.K., and J.C. Bergstrom. 1989. Theory and techniques for assessing the demand and supply of outdoor recreation in the United States.  USDA Forest Service, Southeastern For. Exp. Station Paper SE‑275, Asheville, NC. 33 pages.


Betz, C.A., and H.K. Cordell. 1989. Trends in recreation participation on public lands.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52: 128-146.   


Hartmann, L.A., H.R. Freilich, and H.K. Cordell. 1989. An overview of the relationships between social and demographic factors and outdoor recreation participation.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52:  255-274.


Daniels, S.E., and H.K. Cordell. 1989. Estimating Supply for Outdoor Recreation Provided by a Public Agency.  Working Papers in Economics, Oregon State University, WP No. 89‑104, 22 pp. 


Bergstrom, J.C., H. Ken Cordell, G.A. Ashley, D.B.K. English, and A.E. Watson.  1989. Rural Economic Development Impacts of Outdoor Recreation in Georgia.  Research Report 567, The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, The University of Georgia, Athens, April, 1989, 10 pages.


Wright, B.A., H.K. Cordell, T.L. Brown, and A.L. Rowell. 1989. The national private land ownership study:  Establishing the Benchmark.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52:  33-50.


Hartmann, L.A., H.R. Freilich, and H.K. Cordell. 1989. Trends and current status of participation in outdoor recreation.   In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52:  147-165.


McDonald, B.L., H.K. Cordell, and A.L. Rowell. 1989. Local government outdoor recreation supply.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52:  222-226.


Daniels, S.E., and H.K. Cordell. 1989. Estimating outdoor recreation supply functions.  In: Outdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SE‑52: 227-237. 


Bergstrom, J.C., and H.K. Cordell.1989. Assessing the demand and supply of outdoor recreation in the United States.  College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, the University of Georgia, Faculty Series FS 89‑44, 43 p.


English, Donald B.K., H. Ken Cordell, and Lawrence A. Hartmann. 1989. Trail resources, users and opportunities in the United States.  In:  Ninth National Trails Symposium Proceedings.  Ewin Gaby, ed.; Lafayette, IN.  p. 38-40. 


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, Deborah K. Klinko, John C. Bergstrom, and Greg A. Ashley. 1989.      Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: National Park Service river system. National Park Service, Resource Assessment Series, Atlanta Georgia, and UGA Faculty Series 89-31. Athens, GA: University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 81 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1989. Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: State of South Carolina. National Park Service river system. National Park Service, Resource Assessment Series, Atlanta Georgia, and UGA Faculty Series 89-32. Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 66 pages.


 Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1989. Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: State of Tennessee. National Park Service, Resource Assessment Series, Atlanta Georgia, and UGA Faculty Series 89-33. Athens, GA: University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 96 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1989 Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: State of Kansas. National Park Service, Resource Assessment Series, Atlanta Georgia, and UGA Faculty Series 89-xx. Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 51 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1989 Economic effects of rivers on local and state economies: State of Indiana. National Park Service, Resource Assessment Series, Atlanta Georgia, and UGA Faculty Series 89-xx.  Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 97 pages.


Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, G.A. Ashley, and J. Karrish. 1990 Economic effects of river recreation on local economies. Water Resources Bulletin, 26(1):53-60.


Bergstrom, J.C., H.K. Cordell, G.A. Ashley, and A.E. Watson.  1990. Economic Impacts of Recreational Spending on Rural Areas:  A Case Study.  Economic Development Quarterly 4(1):29-39.


Bergstrom, John C., H. Ken Cordell, Gregory A. Ashley, and Alan E. Watson. 1990. Economic impacts of outdoor recreation on state economies in the south.  Faculty Series 90-03.  Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, 19 pages.


Cordell, H. Ken, and George Siehl. 1990. Trends in recreation use.  In:  Symposium on National Recreation Areas--A showcase for excellence.  Washington, DC:  U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Government Printing Office, FS-442, p. 12-13.


Bergstrom, John C., H. Ken Cordell, Gregory A. Ashley, Donald B.K. English, Deborah K. Klinko, Alan E. Watson, and Bayard Alcorn. 1990. Economics effects of state parks on local economies in North Carolina.  In:  Karen R. Zera, Ed., Southeastern Recreation Research Proceedings, Volume 11.  Athens, GA:  University of Georgia, Institute of Behavioral Research, p. 91-96. 


Bergstrom, John C., H. Ken Cordell, Alan E. Watson, and Gregory A. Ashley. 1990. Economic impacts of state parks on state economics in the south.  Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 22:69-78.


Bergstrom, J.C. and H.K. Cordell. 1991. Outdoor recreation demand and supply: Trends and implications. In:  Contemporary Issues in Outdoor Recreation.  Technical Papers from the 1988 and 1989 SAF Conventions.  Fairfax, VA:  George Mason University, Center for Recreation Resources Policy, p. 35-43.


Cordell, H.K., and D.B.K. English. 1991. Recreation on public lands.  In:  Contemporary Issues in Outdoor Recreation.  Technical Papers from the 1988 and 1989 SAF Conventions.  Fairfax, VA:  George Mason University, Center for Recreation Resources Policy, p. 3-15. 


Wright, Brett A., H. Ken Cordell, and Tommy L. Brown. 1991. Recreational access to nonindustrial private lands in the U.S.  In:  Shela Hubbard Mou, ed., Contemporary Issues in Outdoor Recreation, Technical Papers from 1988 and 1989 SAF Conventions.  Fairfax, VA:  George Mason University, Center for Recreation Resources Policy, p. 17-40.


Watson, Alan E., and H. Ken Cordell. 1991. Impacts of resource-based tourism on local income and employment.  Gen. Tech. Rpt. RM-196.  Fort Collins, CO:  Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, p. 46-56.


Cordell, H. Ken, and John C. Bergstrom.  1991. A methodology for assessing national outdoor recreation demand and supply trends.  Leisure Sciences, 13(1):1-20.


Peterson, George L., and H. Kenneth Cordell. 1991 Estimating recreation demand functions:  Experience with the Public Area Recreation Visitor Survey.  Annals of the American Fisheries Society Symposium, 12:316-327.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, John C. Bergstrom, Greg A. Ashley, and Deborah K. Klinko. 1991. The effects of outdoor recreation activities on state and local economies.  In:  Enhancing Rural Economies through Amenity Resources.  State College, PA:  Pennsylvania State University, p. 57-78.


Cordell, H. Ken, and John C. Bergstrom. 1991. Projections of outdoor recreation scarcities for the 1990 RPA Assessment.  In:  Issues in Water Resource and Outdoor Recreation,  Southern Rural Development Center and the Farm Foundation, SNREC No. 29, p. 75-116.


Bergstrom, John C., and H. Ken Cordell. 1991. An analysis of the demand for and value of outdoor recreation in the United States.  Journal of Leisure Research 23(1): 67-86.


Cordell, H. Ken, and John C. Bergstrom. 1992. Economic growth and interdependency effects of state park visitation in local and state economies.  Journal of Leisure Research 24(3):253-268.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1992. Amenity, conservation, and environmental uses and values: The United States perspective.  In: Proceedings, Pacific Rim Forestry - Bridging the World.  Held August 4-7, 1991, in San Francisco, CA.  Bethesda, MD:  Society of American Foresters: 19-24.



Cordell, H. Ken and Ann Stueck. 1992. Social Dimensions of Forestry.  In Robert Thatcher and Thomas McLintock, eds., 100 Years of Professional Forestry, Proceedings of the Seventy First Annual Meeting of the Appalachian Society of American Foresters, 18-23.


Cordell, H. Ken, and John C. Bergstrom. 1993. Comparison of Recreation Use Values Among Alternative Reservoir Water-Level Management Scenarios.  Water Resources Research 29(2):247-258.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, and Sharon A. Randall. 1993. Effects of Subdivision and Access Restrictions on Private Land Recreation Opportunities.  General Technical Report SE-231.  Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.  21 p.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Barbara McDonald. 1992. Better Understanding Recreation Demand and Customer Satisfactions.  In Proceedings of the 1992 Convention of the Society of American Foresters; October 1992; Richmond, VA.


English, Donald B.K., and H. Ken Cordell. 1993. Effective Recreation Opportunities (EROS) Indices:  A Comparable Recreation Supply Measure.  Research Paper SE-286.  Asheville, NC:  USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, 11p.


English, Donald B.K., Carter J. Betz, J. Mark Young, John C. Bergstrom, and H. Ken Cordell.


Regional Demand and Supply Analysis for Outdoor Recreation: An Issue Analysis for the 1993 Update of the RPA Assessment of Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness. General Technical Report RM-230, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Ft. Collins, CO, 39 p.


McDonald, Barbara, and H. Ken Cordell. 1992. The Urban Treehouse:  Bringing Natural Resource Conservation Education to the Urban Environment.  In Proceedings of the 1992 Convention of the Society of American Foresters; October 1992; Richmond, VA.


Teasley, R. Jeff, John C. Bergstrom, and H. Ken Cordell. 1993. Assessing the Revenue-Capture Potential from Recreational Fees.  In Proceedings of the 1993 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, February 1993; Helen, GA.  General Technical Report SE-90.  Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, p. 7-17.


Miles, Morgan P., Chris Fickle, Linda S. Munilla, Barbara McDonald, and H. Ken Cordell. 1993. A review of environmental attitude scales and their utility to consumer marketing.  In: Robert T. Barrett (ed.).  The Institute of Management Sciences Southeastern Chapter Proceedings: Twenty-ninth annual meeting, October 7-8, 1993, Myrtle Beach, SC.  FrancisMarionUniversity, Florence, SC, p. 169-171.


Bowker, M., H.K. Cordell, and L.J. Hawks. 1993. Measuring recreation benefits with CV: does payment vehicle matter?  In: David N. Wear and Judy Talmon (eds.).  Policy and forestry: design, evaluation, and spillovers.  Proceedings of the 1993 Southern Forest Economics Workshop, Durham, NC, April 21-23, 1993.  Durham, NC: Duke University, p. 155-159.


Miles, Morgan P., Barbara McDonald, Louis M. Capella, and H. Ken Cordell. 1993. A proposed segmentation framework for the outdoor recreation market.  Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, Vol 1(1): 51-69.


Miles, Morgan P., Fred H. Ritzel, H. Ken Cordell, and Barbara McDonald. 1994. African American participation in wildland outdoor recreation.  Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 2(4): 63-75.


Bergstrom, John C., H. Ken Cordell, and Linda Langner. 1994. RPA Assessment of outdoor recreation: past, current, and future directions.  General Technical Report SE-87.  Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.  30 pp.


Teasley, R. Jeff, John C. Bergstrom, and H. Ken Cordell. 1994. Estimating revenue-capture potential associated with public area recreation.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 19(1): 89-101.


Teasley, R. Jeff, John C. Bergstrom, and H. Ken Cordell. 1994. Assessing the revenue-capture potential from recreational fees.  In: Howard A. Clonts (ed.).  Proceedings, 1993 Southern Recreation Research Conference, Volume 15, February 10-12, 1993, Helen, Georgia.  General Technical Report SE-90.  Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, p. 7-17.


Bayless, Donna S., John C. Bergstrom, Mark L. Messonnier, and H. Ken Cordell. 1994. Assessing the demand for designated wildlife viewing sites.  Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 2(3): 75-93.


Lewis, Burt, H. Ken Cordell, Morgan P. Miles, and Michael Tarrant. 1995. Segmenting the dynamic outdoor recreation market: a preliminary analysis of marketing implications from the 1993-1994 national survey of recreation and the environment.  In: David L. Moore (ed.). Proceedings, Association of marketing theory and practice: expanding marketing horizons into the 21st century, March 22-24, 1995, Savannah, Georgia.  Syracuse, NY: LeMoyne College, p. 378-379.


Flather, Curtis H. and H. Ken Cordell. 1995. Outdoor recreation: historical and anticipated trends.  In: Knight, Richard; Gutzwiller, Kevin, eds. Wildlife and Recreationists:  Coexistence Through Management and Research.  Washington, DC: Island Press, p. 3-16.


Cordell, H. Ken, Burt Lewis, and Barbara L. McDonald. 1995. Long-term Outdoor Recreation Participation Trends.  In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Trends Symposium & the 1995 National Recreation Resource Planning Conference.  Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, p. 35-38.


Cordell, H.K., B. L. McDonald, B. Lewis, M. Miles, and J. Martin, J. Bason. 1996            . United States.  In: Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, and Jiri Zuzanek, eds.  World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village.  Wallingford, UK: CAB International, p. 215-235.


Cordell, Ken, Gerald Helton, and John Peine. 1996. Communities and Human Influences in Southern Appalachian Ecosystems: The Human Dimensions.  In: The Southern Appalachian Assessment: Social/Cultural/Economic Technical Report.  Chapter Two.  Atlanta, GA: USDA Forest Service, Region 8, p. 17-85.


Cordell, H. Ken, Burt R. Lewis, Barbara L. McDonald, and Morgan Miles. 1996. Screening questions: Bias in the making.  In: Walter F. Kuentzel (ed.).  Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.  General Technical Report NE-232.  Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, p. 296-300.


Bergstrom, John C., R. Jeff Teasley, H. Ken Cordell, Ray Souter, and Donald B.K. English. 1996. Effects of reservoir aquatic plant management on recreational expenditures and regional economic activity.  Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 28(2): 409-422.


Tarrant, M.A., A.D. Bright, and H. Ken Cordell. 1996. The effect of persuasive communication strategies on rural resident attitudes toward ecosystem management. In Abstract in Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, May 18-23, 1996. [abstract]


Tarrant, M.A., A.D. Bright, and H.K. Cordell. 1996. Anglers’ attitudes toward Fish and Wildlife Issues in the Southern Appalachians. In Abstract in Proceedings of the 126th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 26-29, 1996, Dearborn, MI. [abstract]


Cordell, H. Ken, R. Jeff Teasley, John C. Bergstrom, Paul Gentle, and Mike Brown.  1997. Outdoor recreation in the Western United States with special reference to recreation supported by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Sites.  UGA Faculty Series 97-17.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  476 p.


Cordell, H. Ken, Jeff Teasley, Greg  Super [and others].  1997. Outdoor recreation in the United States: results from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment. Southern Research Station Project Report. Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service.  211 p.


Cordell, H. Ken, R. Jeff Teasley, and John C. Bergstrom.  1997. Outdoor recreation in the United States with special reference to recreation at USDA Forest Service sites in the South.  UGA Faculty Series 97-15.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  171 p.



Cordell, H. Ken, R. Jeff Teasley, John C. Bergstrom, Jeremy Thomas, Cindy  Swanson, and Barbara McDonald.  1997. Profile of participants in fish and wildlife related outdoor recreational activities in the Unites States.  UGA Faculty Series 97-09.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  64 p.


Cordell, H. Ken, John C.  Bergstrom, R. Jeff Teasley, Barbara  McDonald, and William Deaver. 1997. Outdoor recreation in the United States with special reference to recreation at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sites.  UGA Faculty Series 97-14.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  54p.


Cordell, H. Ken, Warren Kriesel, and John C. Bergstrom.  1997. Economic effects of outdoor recreation on local economies at selected U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Sites.  UGA Faculty Series 97-08.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  34 p.


Cordell, H. Ken, Warren Kriesel, and John C. Bergstrom.  1997. Economic effects on Rocky Mountain and Appalachian regional economies of outdoor recreational visitors to USDA Forest Service sites.  UGA Faculty Series 97-07.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  19 p.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1997. The evolution of outdoor recreation in America.  Scandinavian Forest Economics, 36:1-14


Tarrant, Michael A., Alan D. Bright, Harold K. Cordell. 1997. Attitudes toward wildlife species protection: assessing, moderating, and mediating effects in the value-attitude relationship.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2(2):1-20.


Tarrant, Michael A., Christine A. Overdevest, Alan D. Bright, Harold K. Cordell, Donald B.K. English. 1997.      The effect of persuasive communication strategies on rural resident attitudes toward ecosystem management.  Society & Natural Resources, 10:537-550.


Tarrant, Michael A., H. Kenneth Cordell, and Tamela L. Kibler. 1997. Measuring perceived crowding for high-density river recreation: the effects of situational conditions and personal factors.  Leisure Sciences, 19: 97-112.


Tarrant, Michael A., Christine Overdevest, Alan D. Bright, H. Ken Cordell, and Don English.


Public knowledge, attitudes, and support of ecosystem management. In: Integrating social science and ecosystem management: a national challenge. GTR SRS-17, p. 127-130.


Teasley, R. Jeff, John C. Bergstrom, H. Ken Cordell, Stanley J. Zarnoch, and Paul Gentle. 1997. The use of private lands in the U.S. for outdoor recreation: results of a nationwide survey.  UGA Faculty Series  97-19.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  102 p.


Kriesel, Warren, H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and Michael Brown. 1997. Economic effects of outdoor recreation at U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management sites on the western U.S. regional economy.  University of Georgia Faculty Series 97-12.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  22 p.


Lewis, Burt, H. Ken Cordell, Morgan P. Miles, and Barbara McDonald.  1997. The political and technical issues involved with large scale publicly funded research: the case of the U.S. national recreation survey series.  International Journal of Management, 14(3): 359-366.


Kriesel, Warren, H. Ken Cordell, John C. Bergstrom, and Michael Brown. 1997. Economic effects of outdoor recreation at selected U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management sites on local economies.  University of Georgia Faculty Series 97-11.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  31 p.


Teasley, Jeff, H. Ken Cordell, and John Bergstrom. 1997. A comparison of outdoor recreation trends over the past decade as reported by the 1982-83 and 1994-95 national recreation surveys.    University of Georgia Faculty Series 97-18.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.  25 p.


Tarrant, Michael A. and H. Ken Cordell. 1997. The effect of respondent characteristics on general environmental attitude-behavior correspondence.  Environment and Behavior, 29(5): 618-637.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1997. Recreation and tourism. In Report of the United States on the Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests, USDA Forest Service First Approximation Report, Washington, DC. p. 7-11 to 7-17.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1997. Cultural, Social and Spiritual Needs and Values. In Report of the United States on the Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests, USDA Forest Service First Approximation Report, Washington, DC. p. 7-30 to 7-34.


Tarrant, M., A.D. Bright, and H.K. Cordell. 1997. Attitudes toward wildlife species protection. In Abstract in Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management in the Americas, February 25- March 1, 1997. Belize City, Belize. [abstract]

 Cordell, H. Ken, R. Jeff Teasley, John C. Bergstrom, Jeremy Thomas, Cindy Swanson, and Barbara McDonald. 1997. Profile of participants in fish and wildlife related outdoor recreational activities in the United States. University of Georgia Faculty Series 97-20. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.


Cordell, H. Ken, Barbara L. McDonald, J. Alden Briggs, R. Jeff Teasley, Robert Biesterfeldt, John Bergstrom, and Shela H. Mou. 1997. Outdoor recreation trends and market opportunities in the United States. University of Georgia Faculty Series 97-16.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia.


Cordell, Harold K., John C. Bliss, Cassandra Y. Johnson, and Mark Fly.  1998. Voices from southern forests.  In: Transactions of the sixty-third North American wildlife and natural resources conference ; 1998 March 20-24 ; Orlando.  Washington, DC : Wildlife Management Institute; p. 332-347.


Cordell, H. Ken, Barbara L. McDonald, J. Alden Briggs, [and others]. 1998. Emerging markets for outdoor recreation in the United States. Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service.  179 p. [Report submitted to the Sporting Goods Manufacturer=s Association].


Cordell, H. Ken, John C. Bergstrom, R. Jeff Teasley, and James A.  Maetzold.  1998. Trends in Outdoor Recreation and Implications for Private Land Management in the East.  In: Proceedings and Invited Papers, Natural Resources Income Opportunities on Private Lands Conference.  College Park, MA: University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, 4-10.


Cordell, H. Ken and Joseph O'Leary. 1998. Trends in outdoor recreation participation.  Outdoor Recreation - A reader for Congress.  ISBN 0-16-057007-7.  Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 140-143.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Carter J. Betz. 1998. Outdoor recreation opportunities for Americans.  Outdoor Recreation - A reader for Congress.  ISBN 0-16-057007-7.  Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 37-42.


Cordell, H. Ken, Barbara L. McDonald, Jeff Teasley, and John C. Bergstrom.  1998. Trends in Outdoor Recreation Participation.  The Outdoor Network, 8(4): 12-13.


Cordell, H.K., B.L. McDonald, B. Lewis, M. Miles, J. Martin, and J. Bason. 1998. It’s a jungle gym out there! An introduction to outdoor recreation.  In: The Natural Inquirer, Fall 1998, Vol. 1, No. 1. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service Research, 9-12.


Bhat, Gajana, John Bergstrom, R. Jeff Teasley, J.M. Bowker, and H. Ken Cordell.   1998. An ecoregional approach to the economic valuation of land- and water-based recreation in the United States.  Environmental Management, 22(1): 69-77.


Betz, Carter J., H. Ken Cordell, Donald B.K. English, [and others]. 1998. Comparison of amenity uses and recreational access among social strata of U.S. private landowners. In Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium: Society and Resource Management; 1998 May 27-31 (Book of Abstracts); University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO] Columbia, MO: University of Missouri-Columbia. pp. 203-204.


Cordell, H. Ken, Howie Thompson, Barbara L. McDonald, Clyde Thompson, Christina Ramos, and Gerald Helton . 1999. Shifting values and public expectations : management perspectives.  In : Johnson, N.C., comps., eds.  Ecological stewardship : a common reference for ecosystem management.  New York, NY :  Elsevier Science : 59-84.


Gentle, Paul, John Bergstrom, Ken Cordell, and Jeff Teasley. 1999. Private landowner attitudes concerning public access for outdoor recreation: cultural and political factors in the United States.  Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 6(1):47-65.


Teasley, R. Jeff, John C. Bergstrom, H. Ken Cordell, Stanley J. Zarnoch, and Paul Gentle.


Private lands and outdoor recreation in the United States. In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends. Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : IV, p. 183-218. 


Tarrant, Michael A., and H. Ken Cordell. 1999. Environmental justice and the spatial distribution of outdoor recreation sites : an application of geographic information systems.  Journal of Leisure Research.  31(1) : 18-34.


Cordell, H. Ken. 1999. Outdoor recreation in American life: a national assessment of demand and supply trends. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.  449p.


Tarrant, Michael A., Alan D. Bright, Erin Smith, and H. Ken Cordell. 1999. Motivations, attitudes, preferences, and satisfactions among outdoor recreationists.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. . Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : IX, p. 403-431.


Cordell, H. Ken, Donald B.K. English, and James M. Bowker. 1999. Implications of this assessment.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. . Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : X, p. 433-440.


Betz, Carter J., Donald B.K. English, and H. Ken Cordell. 1999. Outdoor recreation resources. In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois: Sagamore Publishing: III, 39-182.


Cordell, H. Ken, Barbara L. McDonald, R. Jeff Teasley, John C. Bergstrom, Jack Martin, Jim Bason, and Vernon R. Leeworthy. 1999. Outdoor recreation participation trends.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. . Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : V, p. 219-321.


Cordell, H. Ken, Anne P. Hoover, Gregory R. Super, and Cynthia H. Manning. 1999. Adding human dimensions to ecosystem-based management of natural resources.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comps., eds. Integrating social sciences with ecosystem management.  Champaign, IL ; Sagamore Publishing: p. 1-12.


Cordell, H. Ken, Gerald Helton, and John Peine. 1999.  Social scientists had a place at the table : the Southern Appalachian Ecoregional Assessment.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comps., eds. Integrating social sciences with ecosystem management.  Champaign, IL ;  Sagamore Publishing: p. 319-330.


Cordell, H. Ken.  1999. Framework for the assessment.  In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. . Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : II, 31-38.


Bowker, J.M., Donald B.K. English, and H. Ken Cordell. 1999. Projections of outdoor recreation participation to 2050. In : H. Ken Cordell, comp., ed. . Outdoor recreation in American life : a national assessment of demand and supply trends.  Champaign, Illinois : Sagamore Publishing : VI, p. 323-350.


Bowker, J.M., H.K. Cordell, and Cassandra Y. Johnson. 1999. User fees for recreation services on public land: a national assessment.  Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 17(3):1-14.


Jones, Robert Emmet, J. Mark Fly, and H. Ken Cordell. 1999. How green is my valley? Tracking rural and urban environmentalism in the Southern Appalachian Ecoregion.  Rural Sociology, 64(3):482-499.           


Cordell, H. Ken, Nancy G. Herbert, and Francis Pandolfi. 1999. The growing popularity of birding in the United States.  Birding, 31(2):168-176.


Tarrant, M.A. A. Bright, and H. K. Cordell. 1999. A world-wide web human dimensions framework and data base for wildlife and forest planning. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 4(4): 18-43.


Tarrant, M.A. H.K. Cordell, A.D. Bright, and A. Hoover. 1999. A human dimensions framework and web site for ecosystem management. In Abstract in Proceedings of 1999 International symposium on Society and Resource Management. Brisbane, Australia. [abstract]



English, Donald B.K., David W. Marcouiller, and H. Ken Cordell. 2000. Tourism dependence in rural America: estimates and effects.  Society & Natural Resources, 13:185-202.


Messonier, Mark L., John C. Bergstrom, Christopher M. Cornwell, R. Jeff Teasley, and H. Ken Cordell. 2000. Survey response-related biases in contingent valuation: concepts, remedies, and empirical application to valuing aquatic plant management.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(May): 438-450.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Gregory R. Super. 2000. Trends in Americans= outdoor recreation.  In: W.C. Gartner and D.W. Lime (eds.).  Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure, and tourism, New York, NY: CABI Publishing, p. 133-144.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Carter J. Betz. 2000. Trends in outdoor recreation supply on public and private lands in the U.S.  In: W.C. Gartner and D.W. Lime (eds.).  Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure, and tourism.  New York, NY: CABI Publishing, p. 75-89.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Christine Overdevest.  2001. Footprints On The Land: An Assessment of Demographic Trends and The Future of Natural Resources in the United States.  Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing Co. 314 p.


Cordell, H. Ken. 2001. Birds and Birding Soar. WildBird, 15(4):13.


Cordell, H. Ken; and Green, Gary T. 2001. Sustaining outdoor recreation in the United States.  In: Palo, M., Uusivuori, J. and Mery, G. (eds.). World Forests, Markets, and Policies. World Forests Vol. III. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: p. 395-406.



Cordell, H. K., J.C. Bergstrom, R.J. Teasley, and J. Thomas. 2001. Wildlife Recreation. In J. G. Dickson, ed., Wildlife of Southern Forests: Habitat and Management. Hancock House Pub., Blaine, WA: 407-418.


Johnson, Cassandra Y., J.M. Bowker, and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Outdoor recreation constraints: an examination of race, gender, and rural dwelling across regions.  Southern Rural Sociology, 17: 111-133. 


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Chattahoochee National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-1.  160 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Ouachita and Ozark National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-2.  161 p.


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Bankhead, Talladega and Tuskegee National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-3. 160 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Apalachicola and Conecuh National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-4, 157 p.


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. George Washington National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-5, 158 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Uwharrie National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-6, 160 p.



Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Holly Springs and Tombigbee National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-6, 158 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Ocala and Osceola National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-7, 160 p.


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Angelina, Davy Crockett, Kisatchie, Sabine, and Sam Houston National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-8, 161 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Bienville, Delta, Desoto, and Homochitto National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-9, 161 p.


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Jefferson National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-10, 159 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Daniel Boone National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-10, 159 p.


Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Croatan National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-11, 155 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Cherokee, Nantahala, and Pisgah National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-12, 158 p.



Overdevest, Christine and H. Ken Cordell. 2001. Frances Marion National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-13, 157 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Oconee and Sumter National Forest Recreation Realignment Report.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2001-14, 156 p.


Cordell, Ken, and Nancy Herbert . 2002. The popularity of birding is still growing.  Birding Magazine, 34(1):54-61.


Cordell, Ken, Carter Betz, Gary Green, Shela Mou, Paul Arndt, Clair Redmond, Becky T. Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 2002. Public Survey Report, Southern Appalachian National Forest: Bankhead & Talladega and Tuskegee & Conecuh National Forests.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2002-1.  96 p.


Cordell, Ken, Carter Betz, Gary Green, Shela Mou, Paul Arndt, Clair Redmond, Becky T. Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 2002. Public Survey Report, Southern Appalachian National Forest: Cherokee, Nantahala, and Pisgah National Forests.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2002-2, 96 p.


Cordell, Ken, Carter Betz, Gary Green, Shela Mou, Paul Arndt, Clair Redmond, Becky T. Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 2002. Public Survey Report, Southern Appalachian National Forest: Chattahoochee & Oconee and Sumter National Forests.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2002-3, 100 p.


Cordell, Ken, Carter Betz, Gary Green, Shela Mou, Paul Arndt, Clair Redmond, Becky T. Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 2002. Public Survey Report, Southern Appalachian National Forest: Daniel Boone National Forest.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2002-4, 93 p.


Cordell, Ken, Carter Betz, Gary Green, Shela Mou, Paul Arndt, Clair Redmond, Becky T. Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 2002. Public Survey Report, Southern Appalachian National Forest: George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.  Athens, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Recreation, Wilderness, Urban Forest, & Demographic Trends Research, Web Series SRS-4901-2002-5, 103 p.


Cordell, H. Ken. 2002. Urban Growth and Forest Fire in the South. Monograph. Centers for Urban Forestry and Wildland-Urban Interface Research and Information, Athens, GA and Gainesville, FL, 8 pp.


Fridinger, Fred, Carol Macera, and H. Ken Cordell. 2002. The use of surveillance data and market research to promote physical activity.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(2S): 56-63.


Tarrant, Michael A., Robert Porter, and H. Ken Cordell. 2002. Sociodemographics, Values, and Attitudes.  In Wear, David N. and John G. Greis (eds). Southern Forest Resource Assessment. GTR-SRS-53. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp. 175-187.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Michael A. Tarrant. 2002. Forest-Based Outdoor Recreation. In Wear, David N. and John G. Greis (eds). Southern Forest Resource Assessment. GTR-SRS-53. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp. 269-282.


Cordell, H. Ken, and Edward A. Macie. 2002. Population and Demographic Trends. In: Macie, Edward A.; and Hermansen, L. Annie (eds).   Human Influences on Forest Ecosystems: The Southern Wildland-Urban Interface Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-55. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp. 11-35.


Cordell, Ken, and Nancy Herbert. 2002. The popularity of birding is still growing.  Birding Magazine, February: 54-61.


Cordell, H. Ken, Carter J. Betz, and Gary T. Green. 2002. Recreation and the environment as cultural dimensions in contemporary American society. Leisure Sciences, 24:13-41.


Williams, Richard, Hans Vogelsong, Gary Green, and H. Ken Cordell. 2002. Outdoor recreation patterns of people with physical disabilities: findings from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment. In Abstracts from the Leisure Research Symposium, October 16-19, 2002, Tampa, Florida.  Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association. pp. 11. [abstract]


Green, Gary T., H. Ken Cordell, Christine DiStefano, and Michael A. Tarrant. 2002. Validation of a lifestyle index. In Abstracts from the Leisure Research Symposium, October 16-19, 2002, Tampa, Florida.  Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association. pp. 11. [abstract]


Zarnoch, S.J.; Kocis, S.M.; Cordell, H.K.; English, D.B.K. 2002. A pilot sampling design for estimating outdoor recreation site visits on the national forests. Res. Pap. SRS-29. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 20 p.


Tarrant, Michael A. and H. Ken Cordell. 2002. Amenity Values of public and private forests: examining the value-attitude  relationship. Environmental Management, 30(5): 692-703.


Jones, R.E., J.M. Fly, J. Talley, and H.K. Cordell. 2003. Green migration into rural America: the new frontier of environmentalism? Society and Natural Resources, 16: 221-238.


Tarrant, M.A., H.K. Cordell, and G.T. Green. 2003. PVF: A Scale to Measure Public Values of Forests.  Journal of Forestry, 101(6):  24‑30.


Bright, Alan D., H. Ken Cordell, Anne P. Hoover, and Michael A. Tarrant. 2003. A human dimensions framework: guidelines for conducting social assessments.  General Technical Report SRS-65. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station.


Cordell, H. Ken and Carter J. Betz. 2003. Recreation, tourism and other social, cultural and spiritual values: Indicators 35-37 and 42-43 of the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators.  In, 2003 Nation=s Report on Sustainable Forest Management in the United States: A collection of supporting technical documents. Compiled by D. Darr. 34 Pages.


Cordell, H.K., Betz, C.J., Green, G.T., Mou, S., Leeworthy, V.R., Wiley, P.C., Barry, J.J., and Hellerstein, D.  2004.      Outdoor recreation for 21st century America: a report to the nation: the national survey on recreation and the environment. State College, PA: Venture Publishing, 293 p.


Cordell, H. Ken and James L. Chamberlain. 2004. Recreation and nontimber forest products.  In: H.M. Rauscher and K. Johnsen (eds.). Southern forest science: past, present, and future. GTR-SRS-75. Asheville, NC: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. pp. 253-287.


Cordell, H. Ken. 2004. Policy, Uses, and Values.  In: H.M. Rauscher and K. Johnsen (eds.). Southern forest science: past, present, and future. GTR-SRS-75. Asheville, NC: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. pp. 227-229.


Cordell, H.K., Bergstrom, J.C., Betz, C.J., & Green, G.T.  2004. Dominant socioeconomic forces shaping the future of the United States. In: M. J. Manfredo, J. J. Vaske, B. L. Bruyere, D. R. Field, & P. J. Brown (Eds.).  Society and natural resources: a summary of knowledge (pp. 349-361). Jefferson, MO: Modern Litho.


Cordell, K.; Green, G; Betz, C.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2004. Recreation Statistics Update #1 -- Participation rates for outdoor activities in 2004. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Green, G; Betz, C.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2004. Recreation Statistics Update #2 -- Trends in activity participation since Fall 1999. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Owens, M.; Green, G.; Betz, C.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2004. Recreation Statistics Update #3 -- Trends and demographics of off-road vehicle users.  Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Green, G.; Betz, C.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2004. Recreation Statistics Update #4 -- Hispanic participation in land-based outdoor recreation activities. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Green, G.; Betz, C.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2004. Recreation Statistics Update #5 -- Hispanic participation in viewing-learning outdoor recreation activities. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, H.K., G.T. Green, V.R. Leeworthy, R. Stephens, and C. Betz. 2005. United States of America: outdoor recreation.  In: Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, and Jiri Zuzanek (eds.). Free time and leisure participation: international perspectives.  Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 245-264.


Cordell, K.; Betz, C.; Green, G.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B. 2005. Recreation Statistics Update #6 --American Indian and Alaskan Native participation in land-based outdoor recreation activities. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Betz, C.; Green, G.; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  2005. Recreation Statistics Update #7 -- Participation in outdoor recreation activities: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islanders. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Betz, C.; Green, G.; Thompson, Floyd; West, Angela; Fly, M.; and Stephens,


Recreation Statistics Update #8 -- Eastern metropolitan residents' participation in nature-based outdoor tourism activities. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Betz, C.; Green, G.; Thompson, Floyd; West, Angela; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.   2005. Recreation Statistics Update #9 -- Western and mid-western metropolitan residents' participation in nature-based outdoor tourism activities. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, K.; Betz, C.; Green, G.; Thompson, Floyd; West, Angela; Fly, M.; and Stephens, B.  


Recreation & Tourism Statistics Update #10 – Retirees participation in outdoor activities: retirees 65 and older remain active in many activities well into their senior years. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, H. Ken; Betz, Carter J.; Green, Gary; and Owens, Matt.  2005. Off-highway vehicle recreation in the United States, Regions, and States: a national report from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment (NSRE).  Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Cordell, H. Ken. 2006. Birding by numbers: who's birding?  Birding Business, February: 16-21.


Bowker, Mike; Green, Gary T.; Cordell, H. Ken; Raychaudhuri, Uttiyo. 2006. Pay to Play: attitudes towards recreation user fees (Abstract). In 28th Southeastern Recreation Research (SERR) Conference: Book of Abstracts. February 26-28, 2006, Wilmington, SC.


Johnson, Cassandra Y.; Bowker, J.M.; Cordell, H. Ken. 2006. Acculturation via nature-based outdoor recreation: a comparison of Mexican and Chinese ethnic groups in the U.S.  Environmental Practice 7(4): 257-272.


Bowker, J. ., D. Murphy, H.K. Cordell, D.B.K. English, J.C. Bergstrom, C.M. Starbuck, C.J. Betz, G.T. Green, & P. Reed. 2007. Wilderness recreation participation: projections for the next half century. In Science and Stewardship to Protect and Sustain Wilderness Value: Eighth World Wilderness Congress Symposium.  RMRS-P-49.  Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Station, pp. 367-373.


Bowker, J. M., G. Green, D. MuCullom, & K. Cordell. 2008. Recreation users fees on Federal lands: a test of structural change between 1995 and 2003. In J. Schrader (comp.), 30th annual Southeastern Recreation Research (SERR) conference: Book of Abstracts. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, pp. 53-55.


Bowker, J.M., S.H. Lim, H.K. Cordell, G.T. Green, S. Rideout-Hanzak, & C.Y. Johnson. 2008. Wildland fire, risk, and recovery: results of a national survey with regional and racial perspectives. Journal of Forestry, July/August, 268-276.


Cordell, H.K. 2008. The latest on trends in nature-based outdoor recreation. Forest History Today, Spring, pp. 4-10.


Ginn, A.L., S.J. Zarnoch, J.M. Bowker, H.K. Cordell, G.T. Green, & T.M. Owens. 2008. Conceptualization and implementation of the Appalachian Trail visitor use study. In J. Schrader (comp.), 30th annual Southeastern Recreation Research (SERR) conference: Book of Abstracts. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, pp. 12-14.


Poudyal, Neelam, Donald G. Hodges, and H. Ken Cordell. 2008. The role of natural resource amenities in attracting retirees: Implications for economic growth policy. Ecological Economics, 68: 240-248


Robinson, John C., Gary T. Green, and H. Ken Cordell. 2008. Birding for everyone: A comparative analysis of participation by minorities in birding. Birding, 40(6): 53-58.


Stanley J. Zarnoch, H. Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and Linda Langner. 2008. Projecting County-Level Populations Under Three Climate Change Future Scenarios for the 2010 RPA Assessment.  Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Gary T. Green, and Becky Stephens. 2008. Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in the United States and its Regions and States: An Update National Report from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Ted L. Eubanks, Carter J. Betz, Gary T. Green, Becky Stephens, and Shela Mou. 2008. American Birders--Part I: Their Numbers and Outdoor Activity Profiles. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell and Gary T. Green. 2008. An Evaluation of Traffic Counts used for Estimating Recreation Visitation: A Case Study of Jekyll Island State Park, Georgia. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell and Carter J. Betz. 2008. Demand for Nature-based Outdoor Recreation Continues Its Growth and Popularity. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and Nancy G. Herbert. 2008 . A Special Group of Birders--The 365vers. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell. 2008. Public Land Planning Principles and Two Planning Examples: National Forests and Jekyll Island State Park, Georgia. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Gary T. Green, and Shela H. Mou. 2008. Outdoor Recreation Activity Trends: What's Growing, What's Slowing? Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Brett J. Butler, and John C. Bergstrom. 2008. Trends in Forest-Based Recreation: Reports for the 2010 Montreal Process Indicators for the U.S. Retrieved on January 23, 2009, from


Elizabeth Hill, John Bergstrom, H. Ken Cordell, and J.M. Bowker. 2009. Natural Resource Amenity Service Values and Impacts in the U.S. Retrieved on April 12, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and Gary T. Green. 2009. National Kids Survey – Part I: How much time do kids spend outdoors? Retrieved on April 12, 2009, from


Ken Cordell and Carter J. Betz. 2009. National Kids Survey – Part II: What do kids do outdoors? Retrieved on April 12, 2009, from


Ken Cordell and Carter J. Betz. 2009. National Kids Survey – Part III: why kids don’t spend more time outdoors? Retrieved on May 11, 2009, from


Ken Cordell, Gary T. Green, and Carter J. Betz. 2009. Long-term National Trends in Outdoor Recreation Activity Participation---1980 to Now. Retrieved on July 27, 2009, from


Stanley J. Zarnoch, J.M. Bowker, H. Ken Cordell, Matt Owens, Gary T. Green, and Allison Ginn. 2009. Appalachian National Scenic Trail Pilot Survey. Retrieved on February 28, 2011 from


Ken Cordell and Gary T. Green. 2009. National Kids Survey – Part IV: Favorite Activities for Spending Time Outdoors. Retrieved on February 28, 2011, from


Neelam C. Poudyal, Donald G. Hodges, J.M. Bowker, and H.K. Cordell. 2009. Evaluating natural resource amenities in a human life expectancy production function. Forest Policy and Economics, 11(4): 253-259.


Siew Hoon Lim, J.M. Bowker, Cassandra Y. Johnson, and H. Ken Cordell. 2009   Perspectives on prescribed fire in the south: does ethnicity matter? Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 33(1): 17-24.


G.T. Green, J.M. Bowker, X. Wang, H.K. Cordell, and C.Y. Johnson. 2009. An examination of perceived constraints to outdoor recreation. Journal of Public Affairs and Issues, 12: 28-53.


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Gary T. Green, & Patricia G. Dunleavy. 2010. National Kids Survey – Part V: Kids Outdoors Summary. Retrieved on February 28, 2011, from


Ken Cordell. 2010. Trends in nature-based outdoor recreation participation in the U.S. – Part I. Retrieved on February 28, 2011, from


Ken Cordell. 2010. Trends in nature-based outdoor recreation participation in the U.S. – Part II: Trends in Viewing and Photographing Wildlife, Birds, Trees, and Scenery. Retrieved on February 28, 2011, from


Ken Cordell. 2010. Trends in nature-based outdoor recreation participation in the U.S. – Part III: Trends in non-motorized boating —Paddling, floating, rowing, and sailing. Retrieved on February 28, 2011, from


Stanley J. Zarnoch, H. Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and Linda Langner. 2010. Projecting county-level populations under three future scenarios: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment. E-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-128. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 8p.


Stanley J. Zarnoch, H. Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and John C. Bergstrom. 2010. Multiple imputation: an application to income nonresponse in the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment. Res. Pap. SRS-49. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 15 p.


D.A. Graefe, R.M. Schuster, G.T. Green, and H.K. Cordell. 2010. Motivations for participation in outdoor recreation activities across physical settings. In Proceedings of the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.  Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-66. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, pgs. 257-263.


Ken Skog, John Bergstrom, Elizabeth Hill, and Ken Cordell. 2010. Criterion 6, indicator 34: value of capital investment and annual expenditure in forest management, wood and non-wood product industries, forest-based environmental services, recreation, and tourism. Research Note FPL-RN-0320. Madison, WI: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2010: 12 p.


Lincoln Larson, Gary T. Green, and H. Ken Cordell. 2011. Children’s outdoor recreation: results and implications from the National Kids Survey. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 29(2): 1-20.


Ken Cordell, Vahe Heboyan, Florence Santos, and John C. Bergstrom. 2011. Natural amenities and rural population migration: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-146. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research station. 23 p.


Ken Skog, James Howard, Susan Alexander, Ken Cordell, Marla Emery, Evan Mercer, Shela Mou, Kristen Magis, and Maureen McDonough. 2011. Maintenance and enhancement of long-term multiple socioeconomic benefits to meet the needs of societies. Criterion 6. In: National report on sustainable forests – 2011. FS-979. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: II-67 to II-106.


Stan Zarnoch, Michael Bowker, Ken Cordell, Matt Owens, Gary T. Green, and Allison Ginn.

Appalachian National Scenic Trail pilot survey. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-143. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 56 p.


Stanley J. Zarnoch, J.M. Bowker, and H. Ken Cordell. 2011. A mixed-modes approach for estimating hiking on trails through diverse forest landscapes: the case of the Appalachian Trail. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41(12): 2346-2358.


J.M. Bowker, Ashley E. Askew, H. Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Stanley J. Zarnoch, and Lynne Seymour. 2012. Outdoor recreation participation in the United States - projections to 2060: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-160. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 34 p.


Ken Cordell. 2012. Outdoor recreation trends and futures: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-150. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 167 p.


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Shela H. Mou, and Dale D. Gormanson. 2012. Outdoor recreation in the Northern United States.


Ken Cordell. 2013. Outdoor Trends Publications.


Ken Cordell. 2013. Natural Amenities and Rural County Migration.


Ken Cordell. 2013. Birding Trends.


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, Stanley J. Zarnoch. 2013. Recreation and protected land resources in the United States: a technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-169. Asheville, NC: USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 198 p.


Ken Cordell, Carter J. Betz, and Shela H. Mou. 2013. Outdoor recreation in a shifting societal landscape. In: Wear, David N.; Greis, John G., eds. 2013. The Southern Forest Futures Project: technical report. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-178. Asheville, NC: USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 123-160.


J.M. Bowker, Ashley Askew, H. Ken Cordell, and John C. Bergstrom. 2013. Outdoor recreation. In: Wear, David N.; Greis, John G., eds. 2013. The Southern Forest Futures Project: technical report. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-178. Asheville, NC: USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 161-182.


J.M. Bowker, Ashley E. Askew, Neelam Poudyal, Stanley J. Zarnoch, Lynne Seymour, and H. Ken Cordell. 2014. Climate change and outdoor recreation participation in the Southern United States. In: Climate change adaption and mitigation management options. A guide for natural resource managers in southern forest ecosystems. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 421-450.


Vanessa R. Lane, Ken Cordell, Stanley J. Zarnoch, Gary T. Green, Neelam Poudyal, and Susan Fox. 2014. The Forest Service Safety Survey: results from an employee-wide safety attitude survey. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-191. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 58p.


Ghimire, R., G.T. Green, N.C. Poudyal, and H.K. Cordell. 2014. “Do outdoor recreation participants place their land in conservation easements? Nature Conservation, 9:1 -18, doi: 103.3897/natureconservation.9.7981.


Ghimire, R., G.T. Green, N.C. Poudyal, and H.K. Cordell. 2014,. “An analysis of perceived constraints to outdoor recreation,” Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 32(4): 52-67.


Ken Cordell. 2017. Recreation Benefits. Forest Atlas of the United States, USDA Forest Service.


Ghimire, R., S. Ferreira, G.T. Green, N.C. Poudyal, H.K. Cordell, and J.R. Thapa. 2017.  Green space and adult obesity in the United States," Ecological Economics, 136: 201-212.


Ghimire, R, G.T. Green, K.P. Paudel, N.C. Poudyal, and H.K. Cordell. 2017. "Recreationists’ preferences for freshwater amenity characteristics: implications from the U.S. household survey," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40(1): 90-113.